Sunday, 12 April 2015

Checking me out

I set out to post this a while back, but other makes just seem to have beaten it to the finishing post. The skirt was made way back in January after I found some me sewing time and has been worn a fair few occasions. 
The fabric, a medium weight poly viscose was purchase some distant memory ago from Minerva Crafts here  I loved the boarder detail of the roses but cant for the life of me remember what I'd had in mind to make with it! What come first for you fabric or 

I bought this pattern knowing i wanted to extend my skirt repertoire and rummaged in the old stash to pull out the fore mentioned plaid.  

I thought it would be kinda cool to put the boarder around the flute but had a head scratchy moment - how do you get a boarder print/feature on to curved pattern pieces... I still don't know so answers on a post card please :)

My eureka moment  to solve this one was to cut off the rosettes and appliqué them on after construction - yeah!!!   they're not too bulky but the extra weight does seem to make the flute hang really nice ...note to self and those who may try these- please make sure ALL pins are removed from said appliqué, they can bury themselves quite nicely and finding one in one butt soon makes you jump.. ouch! 

The next bit to over come was matching the plaid- itching just to get going and sew I did the basics, but I should have known better, once pieced together Mrs perfectionist was somewhat present. I've had to live with some imperfections for the sake of fitting tweaks and I lost count of the number of top shaped yolk pieces were cut out...ggrrrrhhhh...replaced with solid black, nahnahnahnahna!!! that sorted ya (smug smile) 

As perusal -I wanted the skirt to be lined,  so cut lining out of the constructed fabric pieces rather that have a pieced together lining.  

It's a lovely shape to wear and flatters pretty good, the swishy sides are dead cute and provides a lovely feel - as I'm bloging this hmmm ...I think it could work well in a notice light weight fabric for the summer, so watch this space. 

Here are the shots   

"Footnote" When searching for tops to go with this, I realise that my old RTW items are starting to look decidedly dingy so I'm off to make me some plain T's. 

Blog you soon 
Amanda XX